James Johnston
Welcome to Ramble City.
James Johnston is here and we are about to talk about his new song anything like me mate welcome back to the show how I are so I'm going to give you a list of um I'm going a list of songs.
James Johnston
I'm doing very well thanks for thanks for having me here.
And I want you to tell me what they have in common all right? So I'm just gonna give you a big list and you've kind of sort of decipher it and know youre bit of a codema see a bit of a song guru. You know you know so here we go. You know you love your crosswords in The New York Times you know putting all this stuff on the street. The ma might not be true. So here we go here's some songs ah teach your children.
James Johnston
Ah, got pressures on. Okay.
Butterfly kisses isn't she lovely hey Jude god bless the child beautiful boy father and daughter and of course the big giveaway here is just the 2 of us Dr. Evil and mini me James Johnston what do these songs have in common. Thank you.
James Johnston
I was so bad at this.
No mate. No, you can't be. We have to go back if you let me seriously, you're going too deep you're going too deep see this is what happens with clever people. You're looking for some you think? well you know Brad's guy he loves music. He's thinking pretty heavily about this. It's pretty surface.
James Johnston
Um, well I Ah yeah.
They're all about children I know yeah might yeah I know you know what's real funny is as soon as I said it I thought as soon as I went teach your children I went I should have said and interrupt me at any point that you know the answer because you'd be like what what is this? The third grade test is this is this.
James Johnston
All right? So it is that basic I Just see exactly what you said is exactly what I was doing I was like it can't be that easy. There has to be some deeper meaning to this.
Is this just making sure that I have slept over the past six weeks with a newborn is that what this is you know.
James Johnston
Oh I haven't slept at all and to be honest I'm coming to this interview just exactly the same way I have been for the last you know three months but um, no I too honest I thought that initial I was like children but I'm like this is this is too basic like he's putting on the spot. He's been asking all the other guests this this really indepth riddle.
And yeah I know And. Ah, yeah, that was really cruel of me. Actually that was actually quite cruel to do that to um, you know a new parent because last time that we chatted you were I believe working on this song so you were working on this while your wife was you guys were getting ready to bring your child into the world.
James Johnston
You know I was added. Yeah, anyways.
And you said to me I'm working on something that's pretty I'm really excited to sort of share it was that was that the song that's out now was this anything like me.
James Johnston
Yeah, that was that was the song and it was It was one of those songs. It was quite often I write a lot of I'm constantly writing and this was one of those ones where I didn't know if I'd release this song I I write a lot of songs that are just kind of personal songs and.
So yeah.
James Johnston
Sometimes they just kind of have to get them out and then I move on to the next thing. Um, but I thought you know I love sharing my story and 1 of the original reasons that I got into country music was to just be honest and show people the true version of myself and and I thought all right? well. Here's an opportunity to do that and to share ah somewhat a vulnerable side of me and and a very open side of me and that's ah, that's where the song came from.
Yeah, and so it was writing this kind of song. You know, like there's when when I sort of went back and looked at the the vast sort of. The history of kind of music and looking at songs about children or songs that have been written like I said teacher children isn't she Lovely is not a huge list when you really start to really whittle it down if you think about all the songs that have ever been Released. Is this something that kind of you'd always thought about or was it something that just came up when you thought oh my God I'm. I'm gonna be a dad man like this is blowing my mind. Yeah yeah.
James Johnston
I would say the honest answer to that question is that probably there's a reason there's not many songs about it is because every father and parent has great intention of writing that song until they have a newborn and then they don't have any time anymore and they go I've got other things to do at the most. So I was lucky that a lot of I wrote the song and and this this anything like me is is the story of kind of the questions before River came into the World. So I'd written the song then and and we did start working on it before even the production everything before kind of.
Yeah, so.
James Johnston
River arrived on Christmas day of all days. Um, so but you know I think I don't know each to their own but I just wanted to share that that story and I was and I'm hoping that it's ah, a bit of an international story that that you know any new dad and and a new parent.
And I think so I think it really is because it does you know at the moment in the you know contemporary music. We talk a lot about playlisting for anyone that kind of you know.
James Johnston
Can kind of relate to that.
Is maybe still a Cd vinyl kind of straight listener which there are people out there. You know that are still kind of listening music that way but we talk a lot about playlists and and it being added to this and that and a collection of songs and you know this is on kind of one of the big, the big Spotify ones which is fresh country and it's alongside you know the other kind of big country bangers.
James Johnston
And as I was looking through James I saw that yours was kind of in the in the first twenty songs like the only one that's kind of got piano and it opens up in this sort of really kind of um, it's very vulnerable. It really is and it kind of opens up I mean it's not about drinking. You know what? I mean it's not a party song. It's a song about.
James Johnston
Um, yeah, 9
It It is about vulnerability I Really like how you put it like that. Yeah, it's really touching. So.
James Johnston
I Honestly when I when I put it out I had there's different songs that I feel will connect in a different way. You know some I see as the big kind of single the you know it's the drink and song or it's the party song or it's whatever. Um.
So yeah.
James Johnston
I Had no idea what anything like me would do and and still to this point I always had this thought in the back of my head I don't think this is going to be this big hit. But I think it could be somebody's favorite song and it certainly is not going to speak to everybody and I certainly knew that when I you know on the back of raised like that in small town that.
Yeah, yeah.
James Johnston
A lot of that audience that loved those songs wouldn't connect to this song I get that and and I was completely fine that this spoke to a different audience. Um, but at the same time and it's done kind of that you know every once in a while I'll just get a message sent through to me said I just summled across this song and it just connected and I was in tears on the drive to such and such you know. About to be a new parent and I love that and I think I want to be the sort of artist that has that kind of ebbs and flows you know has those songs that you know I Love playing festivals I Love putting on a big show. So I Want to write a bunch of those big Anthem Party Bangers. That's that's kind of my staple but at the same time I want songs in my catalog that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
James Johnston
When people can dig a little bit deeper. They can really get to know who I am and potentially see a bit of their own story in some of my story as well.
Yeah, yeah, that's that's a great kind of it kind of leads to this little game that I want to play with you. So let's take a quick break and let's come back and let's play a game I've invented mate for you which is called. Are you concerned all right? We'll be right back.
We're back James Johnston is here talking about his new song anything like me. We're about to play a first time game this is called are you concerned I was inspired by listening to the song I was kind of listening to it thinking I wonder if he thought of this before he put it out and you've been very honest with us today. You know you're talking about. Everything around the song and I thought you must have a couple of things and you've touched on them. Actually so let's see what you think this can be yes and no, this can be ah you can elaborate whatever you want. We'll just sort of play this here. So this is these are I guess it's a top 5 and it's called. Are you concerned as a result of anything like number like me.
James Johnston
That was probably the best intro I've ever done all right here. We go all right? So number one are you concerned that River will be nothing like you.
James Johnston
This starting with a deep question Geez Um, no, not ah, not ah, not at all I think I love individuality. You know I've got I've got two kids now and they're they're probably gonna be very different to each other and I love that.
Um, as a result of the song I mean no yeah.
James Johnston
They will find the road path and I will hopefully just try and guide them to their own potential future. Whatever that might be look like and if that's nothing like me then that's completely fine.
Number 2 Are you concerned he will grow up and insist on a writing share for being a part of the song's creation because he's I mean he's featured on the song that's him right? It's like vocals Jj you and then cries by by river is it. Do you think he'll he'll insist on some cut.
James Johnston
Oh to you right now. He's already got a cut so he that I always thought that even same same as Coda when I'm writing with my other son if he if he contributes or he puts something in he would get a little beset into that and if it happens to be a big hit. It might just be his his University fund or something.
Oh man, how great is that? That's so great all right? So that's no, you're not concerned because he's right there already on all music. You know there he is River Johnson um are you concerned that your song is gonna grow up and hate the song. He's gonna be like dad. Why didn't you write me a good song.
James Johnston
This is just like I get it people love it I get it people call you every data let you know how much they love it. But seriously, it's so I am.
James Johnston
Ah, that is to be expected. Let's be honest I was I was once a 16 year old kid and I have I have now loved country music as a kid I loved country music at 16
Right? Yeah.
James Johnston
Don't want to play country music because guess what my parents loved they loved country music so there was a good period of time that I was like anything they like I don't want to I want to I want to be the opposite. You know? So ah no, it's to be expected really is.
Okay, great good. That's ah, that's a good answer because it is isn't it every child kind of eclipses their parent in taste in their mind. It's like you like cardi b oh my god she is so yesterday and I'm showing my age by saying yesterday I don't think it was that anyway number 4
James Johnston
Are you concerned James Johnston that every time you want to write a new hit song. You're going to need to have a child a new child just to release that song and then it also puts you and your wife on a very strict nine month release strategy. Ah.
James Johnston
That no I've said no more. So if that's if that's the if that's the truth I'm I'm happy with 2 kids we've we've made that public and no so I unfortunately if that was the case I might not be releasing many more songs. So.
You're not working on another song that's like will be anything like me again all right number 5 lastly, are you concerned and and I look I agree with everything you said earlier I love the song and I think it's really beautiful, but. This is a real question. Okay are you concerned that this song just makes you look like a big softie like in your first video you're standing in front of fire. You're looking pretty tough if you're in a honkytonk and I was there I'd be like do not mess with James Johnson because he walked through fire. He was raised like that like this guy can throw down and now I'll be like he hasn't slept in six weeks and he's just he's got such a big heart are you are you concerned? you're gonna get jumped now after after shows. Yeah yes.
James Johnston
Now you got to share you got to show different sides of you. There's nothing wrong with that. You know it's 2022 a male can be open and vulnerable I am very comfortable in that. So no no no I'm fine you can you can be strong and sensitive at the same time.
That's awesome. I love that That's so true speaking of someone that also writes musical is is his side job I am 100% on board with being a big softie all right? Let's take another break and let's ah, let's talk about you playing a tamworth and this amazing video that's going around. Of of you as ah as a young boy playing there. We'll be right back all right? So this year. Um, this episode's going to be coming out around tamworth you'll be playing at Tamworth so this is kind of going to be out around that time James and. I wanted to ask you I guess I guess before we get to that we should probably explain to people what tamworth is if they don't know that they're listening around the world. What the tamworth country music festival is do you want to have a crack at that.
James Johnston
Yes, so tamworth is this once of a year event that it it the best way I can describe it if you know Nashville it makes ah a little Nashville in Australia for one week of a year and anybody that's anybody in the country music scene goes there and all the fans go there and it's this this amazing kind of coming together of of musicians and fans and camping and good times and it's just a week of of celebration. It's an incredible and event it really is.
And so I think um, a lot of a lot of our big artists I guess or most successful artists all have a long history of being a part of the festival. You know I saw just recently John Williamson obviously is celebrating his fifty second year of touring and Tamworth is doing 50 years so I mean he was kind of there before the formation of Tamworth which is just incredible. Um, keith urban had a start there. Um, and now we've seen a video recently of ah another aussie who started there which is you this video that you shared which is from. Some television interview you're wearing this white shirt this beautiful cowboy hat you're holding your acoustic guitar. You're standing in front of what I believe is a music shop I think and you're playing some songs. Your guitar case is open and you're sort of you know, funding your your first record. Essentially so tell us about that. How old were you and and how did that come about. Okay.
James Johnston
So I think that interview was when I was about ten years old and I was planning my first trip over to tamworth and you know for me tamworth ended up becoming this this thing that I would do with my family every single year I did it for about I think I was like. 10 to about 16 or something and you know I just I feel like that's the where I kind of cut my teeth like I used to jump up with bands and by the way there is more videos to come of my my trip over I I dug through the archives and I found lots of great stuff and I can't announce. All the reasons that I'm putting out some of this stuff.
Ah, this is fun. Of course that's great like go Well this is coming out when Tam worth is out. So if it's already announced. You can talk about it and we'll make sure it doesn't come out. So if you want to talk about it Now you can. It's up to you of course move on. Yeah.
James Johnston
But there is a little bit of a reason that you'll find out when tanworth comes so that's all I'm going to give away. Cool is it is it coming out before the Golden guitars or after the gold guitars.
It'll come um, let's say let's say but man what date is that? Um, it's it's the long easter weekend which is the end of the twenty. Third, let's say it's gonna let's put it out leading into it. So let's say leading in. Leading into the golden guitars right? So maybe this means that we can't talk about it right? good good I don't want to I don't want to talk about it with you anyway, I don't whatever I made it's good.
James Johnston
Ah, yeah, unfortunately not because I can't tell anyway I I wanted strict instructions that this is all on on the download. Yeah.
We'll snip this out we'll snip it out. We'll sniip it out So don't worry So let's so just say um, something you can't talk about continue from that. So.
James Johnston
So unfortunately it's something I can't talk about but you'll find out at the golden all I'm gonna say is at the golden guitars just keep an eye out because something something's happening. That's all I'm gonna say you heard it first you heard it first. But um.
Wow. Okay I can't wait. This is very exciting. You just heard it first on Ramble city.
James Johnston
Yeah, so but it takes it just reminds me of like my family. We used to go there and from the stories of staying in these like the first year we went they were staying this absolute shack which anybody that's gone to Tamworth knows that the hardest thing about going to Tamworth is finding accommodation in Tamworth and the first year we went. We stayed about half an hour out of town and we open up the door to this this cabin and in the in the curtains was a possum wrapped up in the curtains that this this place hadn't been open since the previous tamworth and I went into the bathroom and there was 2 giant green tree frogs sitting there right on top of the toilet just waiting for us. Ah, so but it's just these moments you know every year it was just this special thing that my family and I we all load up the car and headed over and you know when I was 16 I got my my pea plates for the first time and me my best mate we headed over and slept in the car for a week bust on the street. We took no money we had enough money to get there.
James Johnston
And we slept in the in this car in the absolute sweltering heat of tamworth and we just made enough money. We ended up everything got stolen the last day that we were there. Our guitars included so we end up having to. To see if we could go and borrow a guy's guitar bust on the street made about a hundred bucks which was enough to get the fuel to get back home. So Tamworth holds lots of great memories for me.
Man that's amazing and so what when you were going there and you were making that pilgrimage every year what did it mean to you? What did it represent because it it sounds like that you knew pretty early. This is what you wanted to do.
James Johnston
Ah, yeah I feel very lucky that um I've always had a really clear sense of what I wanted to do and I and I say from the age of 4 I would have answered I want to be a country musicinger like and I'm not yeah like it. It was very much I grew up listening to Lee Kehn again
Yeah. Um, Wow, That's amazing.
James Johnston
If you had asked me at 4 years age you 4 years of age. What do you want to be I want to be a country music singer and I want to look like Garth and I I wanted to wear the stuff like Garth like I've never you know've as as mentioned when I was like sixteen seventeen I kind of went away from country for a little bit. Ah.
James Johnston
But it was. It's pretty much been a consistent throughout my entire life. You know where I am now is kind of where I always thought I'd be in a sense.
It's funny too because when we spoke um in the past excuse me I remember you sort of saying that you've kind of you kind of came up through the clubs too. Essentially you know it's that very old school route of like you've played your hours. You've played your shows you've kind of you know you've honed your your craft in kind of countless countless shows right? you know and then then this is kind of you finding your way to where you always meant to be via this kind of other kind of this other sort of stream to sort of now it's it's It's an incredible story I'm watching that footage. Um, it just reminds you What music is all about you know it's.
James Johnston
Um, in.
The business side can be very isolating and strange for everyone in it and everyone on the outside doesn't really get it because they don't need to get it and then you just see a kid playing the guitar and saying us want to play songs. It reminds you that that's that's what we're here for and um, why it's great that you know.
There's great music coming out every year
James Johnston
It It truly did that for me too even sitting there going back through a bunch of this old footage it. It just put a smile on my face because I'm like that's why I'm doing what I'm doing like the truth of it when it all gets broken down and and and you're right? You think about the business and the release strategy and all these other things that go on. But when you come down to it. He was just this kid that was out in the street giving it a crack that just loved playing and he was He wasn't doing it for any money he wasn't doing it for anything. He just loved making music and there's a part of me that there's there's that that little child in me that still very much exists that you know if if you took away all of this and I was doing some other job. I would probably still come home and pick up a guitar and write a song because I just love it and I feel very very lucky that I have that part of me that has just a strong sense of what makes me happy I guess.
Well, we are very thankful that we get to sharing the results when we get to listen to the songs and there's a lot of people out there that are just loving it So congratulations on all, you're doing on what sounds like is going to be a big couple of weeks I can't wait to hear more and keep a piece of confetti for me if you wouldn't mind. And and I guess just go and get some sleep just we we we need more songs mate. So I guess get asleep and we can't wait to have you back here at Ramble City Thanks for your time.
James Johnston
Absolutely thanks So much for having me on right.