Jem Casser-Daily
Welcome to Ramble City.
Brad: Jem, Welcome to the show. Thanks for being here. Um so I love the new song. It's um, it's groovy. It's got one of those things for me which is like always this instant test about a song the band kicks in and your head just starts doing this.You make that little face doing now. Everyone's just heard the song in the opening. Um, but I wanted to sort of see if you could tell us kind of I Guess what kind of song It is what. Something about the song I Guess from your perspective you got the floor here but I'd like to know why you wrote it as well. All right? So The floor is yours.
Jem: Yeah, well it. Um I kind of went into a write with my friend tiia and um, we we didn't really have an idea on where it was gonna go but I think just um, what I was going through at the time with my relationship at the time I think it just kind of trickled into the right. So. Just having a lot of doubts and a lot of just questioning a few things I wasn't really Happy. So We just kind of started writing about it and it was It was this sort of idea of how is it going to be after you know once we break up like how is this going to feel am I going to be. Really absolutely incredibly devastated or am I actually going to feel like a little bit of you know a little bit liberated and a little bit. Yeah, this was this was written pre breakup so it was um.
Brad: So this so this was pre Breakup This is a pre Breakup song sorry to delve into your entire personal life there. It's a bit bit rude. But I guess because we're talking about Breakup songs.
Jem: I'm kind of I'm kind of still in the tea here. Oh very, very nice gossip but it's um, yeah, it was. It was kind of um for me ah like questioning how how I was going to feel sort of.
Brad: I know I'm sorry I'm sorry and we're all sipping and goes tasty tea. Really tasty tea.
Jem: You know what? if we broke up like how is this going to pan out like am I going to be you know in bed for three months absolutely devastated or am I go to kind of cause I think yeah if we had issues for quite a long period of time so it was kind of just sort of known. No no, no.
Brad: Sure, Yeah, yeah, and you don't need to sort of go into you know? Yeah I don't want to care that I would just spill too much tea. You know what I mean cause like it's amazing. Okay, okay, cause like you got because you got me, you got me wondering listening to it about.
Jem: Umm, not spilling too much as tea. But um, yeah, it's one of those sorts of songs.
Brad: The Breakup song like you really got me thinking about um the types of different breakup songs. There are the different stages of Breakup songs. Um, you know for me like I sort of had this moment of clarity listening to the song which is that there are. Some like I Love Breakup songs like this is what I realized when I'm listening to your song.
Jem: Ah, no, thank you. It's um I like that Breakup songs can take on any sort of you know they can be incredibly sad but they can also be sort of like you're having a little epiphany or you know I think that some of the songs that I've picked as like being my favorite breakup songs. They're all sort of different takes on the situation like some are absolutely incredibly devastated but some are sort of now I'm kind of doing my own thing for a while like I'm feeling I'm feeling good with my own company I'm feeling like confident in myself. So I like I like the…
Brad: Yeah, cause there's like there's different. There's different kind of subcategories in the Breakup song isn't there. There's there's like the well look I won't I won't I won't jump ahead because we are gonna do later. We're gonna do ah like sort of our Top 5 working list of breakup songs. Okay, um, you've brought some I've got a couple I've got a whole list I'm going to give to you and you're going to help me sort of pick what we think the last two r is but before we get to that here's a question for you. Jem. What do you think makes a great breakup song because that is a key part of this. What makes. An actual great breakup song.
Jem: Yeah, it's it's hard isn't it because I think depending on where you kind of are and how you're feeling maybe about a relationship different songs can resonate with you at different periods of your life. So I think yeah, it can. It can really differ depending on whether like is super happy in your current relationship like obviously.
Brad: Exactly yeah.
Jem: Really devastated Breakup songs are going to resonate with you really? well because you're like I don't want this sort of thing to end. But there's some where you kind of feel like Wow this person's like kind of found a new lease on life and they're feeling really liberated and feeling really happy and kind of doing things that they they weren't doing before so it's yeah I think.
Brad: Um, yeah, yeah.
Jem: What makes a great Breakup song is just whatever kind of resonates with me at the time really.
Brad: Yeah I love that. Okay, so what I've done is I've done some homework you've really inspired me all right? So I I have what I think are the top 5 elements a great breakup song needs to have okay so this is an evolving list for everyone out there I'm not saying that this is like.
Jem: Amazing.
Brad: The absolute list I'm just this is working. We're kind of developing this as we go. Okay so I'm gonna put it to you. You can agree or disagree and you can sort of say if you want to why you agree or why you disagree all right? So here it is number 1 number 1 element I think a breakup song needs to have is obviously.
Jem: That's awesome.
Brad: Someone has to have moved on or someone has to have not moved on and then someone of those 2 has to have feelings about it. Do you agree or disagree. Okay, okay, good okay good tick
Jem: Yes, hundred percent wholeheartedly agree yet it.
Brad: Number 2 someone has to be wrong in the situation or at least not understand what they have done wrong to push the other person away. So let me say that again in this song someone has to be wrong or at least they need to not understand what they have done for the other person to think they're wrong. This is.
Jem: Yes, yes. Is wrong hundred percent agree definitely agree
Brad: And element right? So it's kind of like it's like Tony Braxson's unbreak my heart. She's saying like I don't know what I did we were so great. Why did you go unbreak my heart. You know so okay, 2 tick all right number 3 someone has to be a writer or a singer in this case, someone has to like make the breakup song or the I'm sorry song that's like key so you're a writer. That's how a breakup song comes to exist. Someone is a writer that's an obvious take but it's still very true. Um and number 4 okay see what you think about this one all right.
Jem: Yes.
Brad: The title needs to reference the breakup in some clever way. Okay, so it like every song needs to have it needs to have like ah an interesting title or kind of really lead the people into why it's a breakup song so like irreracable by Beyonce Irreplaceable is pretty clear.
Jem: Yes, perfect example. Yep, that's very true. No I agree 100% agree I like that example as well because it's a good song but.
Brad: But it would not be as good if it was called replaceable. Ah, all right? and the last one very easy. It just has to be catchy. It has to be an earworm because you can't have like you can't have a breakup song that doesn't get stuck in someone else's head because then it's kind of failed and you really as a good song.
Jem: Hundred percent yes hundred percent
Brad: You want the audience to kind of be totally agreeing with your side of the events you need to be very persuasive. So if there's any more have you got any other elements you can think of off the cuff I'm putting you very under the spot here.
Jem: Definitely you need to be persuasive.
Brad: Any more elements you can think of.
Jem: Yes. I honestly just an example of a song for me that is absolutely the perfect breakup song is we are never getting back together by Taylor Swift that is absolutely completely flawless like it is every single verse is just ah, just perfect song that is. All I have to say about that. There's an absolute perfect Breakup song in my eyes.
Brad: Ah I mean and it has all the elements right? So it has obviously the title needs to reference a breakup in a clever way. We are never getting back together. It takes a very clear stance about whether who is moved on or who is wrong in the situation Clearly it was probably the other party because we are never.
Jem: Yeah, another take.
Brad: Getting back together. Um, another tick. She's moved on right? She's moved on in this song. She's like I don't need you anymore. Mysterious man not John Mayer and definitely not Jake Gillen Hall it's not you too. There are other songs about you too. I mean this brings us to number 6 number 6 is what happens when you are both songwriters and you both write songs about each other. You know this is a whole and other sub categorygory all right? So that's getting too deep I'm getting too deep into this. Let's take a quick break. Um.
Jem: Well, that's where it just gets interesting. Doesn't it. So.
Brad: So those 5 things again for anybody listening and let me know if you have different ones that we should put in the list one is it needs to have someone that's moved on it needs to have 2 someone has to be wrong or at least not know what they've done wrong 3 someone needs to be a writer. Obviously. Needs to be a title that references the breakup and 3 it has to be catchy all right? So they're the 3 things I think every great breakup song needs to have let's take a break and come back and make our top 5 list of breakup songs.
Jem: Yes, yeah.
Brad: We're back. Jem Cassar-Daily is here talking about her new single LIKE IT MORE she has inspired me to think about Breakup songs which is um as a single man kind of depressing but liberating. Um, how does a single guy write a breakup song Do I Just go back into the past of all my past relationships and just try to.
Jem: I Mean yes, it's just however, you're feeling at the time I feel like music's such a great reflection on on. Just yeah, going into a right with tier I really wasn't expecting to write what we did we? We had no kind of plan in mind but it's funny how how your personal life.
Brad: Right? and wrong them. What do I do? Jim.
Jem: Really trickles into to your music. So yeah, definitely kind of just wrote the song for us.
Brad: Really makes you know what you're gonna do so I really I love the cho in in your song I've got the lyrics here so tell us about what this means so things aren't quite as bad I like it more when I'm by myself I'm never bored. You wasted my time can't get it back. Go do all those things you said you can't now I know it's really weird when someone reads it I should probably have a voice like like I should be reading it like an act or things Ai n't quite as bad I like it more yeah.
Jem: And write a voice on amazing. He'd make it sound pretty cool but um, yeah, just um I think going into sort of.
Brad: Yeah Morgan Freeman let's get him into read this can we redo that so what were you thinking there with this.
Jem: You don't really know how things are going to be on the other side and it's just it's just yeah, sort of I have you have that confidence in yourself you like actually you know I can go to my laptop in the day and I can do my work and I can do these sorts of daily errands and not like I'm I'm capable of living my own life.
Brad: Not thinking about you every 10 minutes
Jem: Solo Yeah, and it's even though like obviously you do, but it's it's just giving yourself that confidence that there are daily things that you can do to um that you love doing and you've loved doing even say before a relationship and you say you even find old hobbies and old loves that. You can kind of lean on again and so I think it's um, it's just yeah, it's just having that confidence to sort of back yourself and be like you know I can do this sort of life for a while like I'm I'm confident that I can go to the piano and have a play and I can just do things that are good for me. So It's one of those sorts of songs of just like even if you are feeling. Absolutely devastated after a breakup which I was I was feeling ah awful. But it's just it's good to kind of reassure yourself that you you have you have hobbies you have a life you have like a purpose and you have things that you love to do that. Don't involve anyone else as well.
Brad: Yeah, that's a really good perspective isn't it because you do sort of get really good at doing everything together or trying to do these things with these people or finding things you like to do together or do you like do you like.
Jem: Yeah, oh.
Brad: Taylor Swift I love Taylor Swift should we listen to Taylor Swift together what are your favorite Taylor Swift songs and now all of a sudden this person is like everything to do with all the great Taylor Swift songs are now attributed to this person. You're like how do I take these songs back I want them still for me, you know.
Jem: Yes, exactly you know, definitely understand that 100%. It's um, it's hard to like make things your own again and make things like that. You've always enjoyed not be associated with someone or and just yeah I guess kind Of. Just have confidence that there is there are things that you enjoy and there are things that you can do solo and still like just have a good Time. You know.
Brad: And if we're giving songs like Breakup songs categories I reckon This isn't like the you know the we were married and and I have to sort of. Deal with it This this song is kind of more if I had to put it in a subcategory I would say it's that you were actually kind of a crappy boyfriend Song. That's what I think it is I'm kidding if you're listening I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding. Yeah I'm kidding I'm sorry that's so rude. That's so rude.
Jem: Look I won't go into those of the details but no, no, no, it's it's definitely not. But it's it is sort of 1 of those it's it's one of those. It's just I think.
Brad: It's not at all. It's not at all. It's it's it's as you said it's a song. It's a song about like you said finding New life.
Jem: Confidence and just even if you have a falling out with a friend or like a family member or like any sort of conflict that you're facing. It's like it's good to just yet I Guess reassure yourself that that life is good I have things that I can do by myself that I love and you know I like that there there are.